Student IT Help Desk
Student IT Help Desk
Located in the lower level of the Career Programs Building, the Information Technology Department maintains a Help Desk. (Helpdesk Hours may fluctuate depending on demand) For help with Instant Enrollment, Self Service, and E-mail. The Student Help Desk can be reached at extension 2891 on campus or 240-500- 2891 off campus. Our Text Messaging is now available to 240-329-4489 or emailing College staff can submit work orders through the college e-mail address,
In the event that your call goes unanswered, please leave a message with your name, student ID number (if known), and a return phone number. Your call will be returned by the next working day at the latest.
New Campus Wi-Fi Instructions
Students and employees can connect to the HCC-Campus wireless network. To connect your device, you are required to use your HCC computer username and password. If you are connecting a mobile phone or non-HCC device, you may be asked to accept a certificate to do so.
Visiting guests can access the HCC-Visitor wireless network. You will be required to provide additional information for limited access to the internet for on-campus events.
For detailed instructions on how to access both HCC-Campus and HCC-Visitor wireless, please reference the documents below: