Mathematics & Science Division | Hagerstown Community College
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Mathematics & Science Division

Mathematics & Science Division

Mathematics & Science Division

The Mathematics and Science Division at Hagerstown Community College offers a variety of courses that prepare students for transfer into upper division or career programs, such as pre-medical or pre-pharmacy, as well as career paths that prepare students for employment in research or industry fields such as engineering and computer science.

Programs of Study

HCC offers a variety of program options that include associate degrees, certifications, and letters of recognition.

Arts and Sciences

The associate degree in arts and sciences is designed for students who plan to transfer to a four-year institution with a concentration in either arts and humanities or math and science.

The associate degree in arts and sciences is designed for students who plan to transfer to a four-year institution with a concentration in either arts and humanities or math and science.


The Biology Program at HCC provides a broad general education in biology, chemistry, and math, as well as study options in a variety of specific sciences.

The Biology Program at HCC provides a broad general education in biology, chemistry, and math, as well as study options in a variety of specific sciences.


The Chemistry Program is intended for students planning on transferring to a four-year degree program with a major in chemistry or related fields.

The Chemistry Program is intended for students planning on transferring to a four-year degree program with a major in chemistry or related fields.

Engineering Science

The Engineering Science Program is a rigorous transfer program designed to provide the first two years of education for students planning to transfer into an upper division engineering program.

The Engineering Science Program is a rigorous transfer program designed to provide the first two years of education for students planning to transfer into an upper division engineering program.

Environmental Studies

The Environmental Studies degree will provide students with the opportunity to study both the scientific and policy applications of environmental issues.

The Environmental Studies degree will provide students with the opportunity to study both the scientific and policy applications of environmental issues.


The Mathematics Program offers the full sequence of courses typically required of mathematics majors during their first two years of college.

The Mathematics Program offers the full sequence of courses typically required of mathematics majors during their first two years of college.


The Physics Program at HCC provides the opportunity for students to transfer to a four-year institution in order to pursue a career in physics or related fields.

The Physics Program at HCC provides the opportunity for students to transfer to a four-year institution in order to pursue a career in physics or related fields.