Funding & Student Organization Finances | Hagerstown Community College
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Funding & Student Organization Finances

Funding & Student Organization Finances

Funding & Student Organization Finances

Procedures for Purchasing Items

The following are two different ways to make purchases for your student organization. The procedure you use will depend on the nature of your purchase, vendor, and time frame you are working within.

  • Purchase Order: A purchase order (P.O.) is a guarantee of payment to a vendor upon placing an order or receiving the merchandise. The vendor bills the college referring to the P.O. number on the bill. The college pays the bill and charges it to the organizations account requested.
  • Checks: An organization may submit a check request seven days prior to the date the check is needed. If a vendor requires payment at the time of delivery, you will need to submit a check request in advance. A check request requires the signature of the organization adviser and coordinator of student activities. Check requests should also be submitted when a vendor bills the organization or when someone is being reimbursed for incurring expenses on behalf of the organization. Invoices and receipts must be attached to all check requests and turned into the coordinator of student activities before submitting to the Finance Office.

Note: It is the advisor's responsibility of the organization to maintain copies of all check requests, purchase orders, etc.


Student organizations may have fundraisers provided they comply with the following:

  1. A Fundraising Form must be completed and presented by a member of the organization at an SGA meeting two weeks prior to the fundraising event before it can be approved. The coordinator of student activities must provide advanced written approval for all student fundraisers.
  2. Money generated must be used to benefit the organization activity or event.
  3. Student organization members may choose to conduct fundraising activities to increase the organization budget. External groups cannot conduct fundraising activities to donate to a organization’s budget. However, external groups can donate money to support a fundraising activity led by the organization's members.

Student Government Association Meetings

All organizations must have one organization representative present at all SGA meetings. SGA meetings are held the second Thursday of every month at 3 p.m. in the Student Center, conference room 1. Refer to Article 4 Section 2 of the SGA Constitution for more information.