Faculty & Staff
Faculty & Staff
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Paci-Funk, Nicole
- Adjunct Faculty
- Email:njpaci-funk@hagerstowncc.edu
Paci-Funk, Thomas
- WCPS Dual Enrollment Adjunct
- Email:trpaci-funk@hagerstowncc.edu
Pandit, Abijah
- Continuing Education Adjunct
- Email:arpandit@hagerstowncc.edu
Papa, Robin
- Adjunct, Essence/Adjunct, BSS/Bus
- Email:repapa@hagerstowncc.edu
Parrotte, Alexis
- Lab Technician – Science & Chemical Safety
- Phone:240-500-2742
- Email:ajparrotte@hagerstowncc.edu
Passwaters, Crystal
- Continuing Education Adjunct
- Email:cpasswaters@hagerstowncc.edu
Pastor, Vera
- Learning Support Specialist Writing & Research
- Phone:240-500-2212
- Email:vpastor@hagerstowncc.edu
Pence, Stacy
- WCPS Dual BSS Business
- Email:spence@hagerstowncc.edu
Pepper, Kathy
- WCPS Dual Enrollment Instructor
- Email:kapepper@hagerstowncc.edu
Pepple, Jeffrey
- Police Officer
- Email:jwpepple@hagerstowncc.edu
Pereira, Judith
- Adjunct DEALS
- Email:jlpereira@hagerstowncc.edu
Perkins, Jennifer
- WCPS Dual Enrollment Adjunct Instructor
- Email:jperkins2@hagerstowncc.edu
Permits, Parking
- Perking Permit Maintenance
Perry, Kendra
- Coordinator, Library Services & Learning Support Services
- Phone:240-500-2551
- Email:kkperry@hagerstowncc.edu
Petrie, Janene
- Customer Service Representative
- Phone:240-500-2530
- Email:jmpetrie@hagerstowncc.edu
Petzold-Carpenter, Susan
- Adjunct, English & Humanities
- Email:sjpetzold-carpenter@hagerstowncc.edu
Pierne, James
- Assistant Professor, Business Management
- Phone:240-500-2215
- Email:jgpierne@hagerstowncc.edu
Pisacano, Julie
- Dual Enrollment Adjunct Instructor
- Email:jpisacano@hagerstowncc.edu
Pittsnogle, Douglas
- Instructor
- Email:dppittsnogle@hagerstowncc.edu
Plank, Sharon
- Administrative Office Associate II - Computer Studies Division
- Phone:240-500-2201
- Email:slplank@hagerstowncc.edu
Pompa, Stephen
- WCPS Dual Enrollment Instructor
- Email:smpompa@hagerstowncc.edu
Poole, Dana
- Director, English & Humanities
- Phone:240-500-2645
- Email:dpoole2@hagerstowncc.edu
Potter, Nicole
- WCPS Dual Enrollment Adjunct Instructor
- Email:nlpotter@hagerstowncc.edu
Potts, Brooke
- WCPS Dual Enrollment Instructor
- Email:bspotts@hagerstowncc.edu
Powderly, Kyle
- Adjunct DEALS
- Email:khpowderly@hagerstowncc.edu
Powers, Rebecca
- Business, Certification & Licensure Program Manager
- Phone:240-500-2490
- Email:rkpowers@hagerstowncc.edu
Preston, Alison
- Director of Institutional Research
- Phone:240-500-2290
- Email:ampreston@hagerstowncc.edu
Proctor, John
- WCPS Dual Enrollment Adjunct Instructor
- Email:jwproctor@hagerstowncc.edu
Pulver-Breeden, Stephanie
- Adjunct Behavioral and Social Sciences Business
- Email:sapulver@hagerstowncc.edu