New Student Orientation | Hagerstown Community College
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New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation

All new students must complete an on-campus, or online orientation before receiving a Student ID Card or parking permit. The program is designed to acquaint students with the college environment, resources, procedures, and policies. A campus tour will be given by student leaders during the on-campus orientation.

On-Campus New Student Orientation Sessions

Be prepared to succeed in your HCC classes! Orientation will cover general information about campus resources, services, policies, and classroom expectations. Students can go on a campus tour, meet their faculty advisor and other freshmen in their major, grab a student ID card and parking permit, and get last minute questions answered.

Save the Date!:

  • Friday, August 22: Session 1 - 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. | Session 2 - 12:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Register here for the in-person orientation.

HCC New Student Orientation Handbook

The purpose of this handbook is to acquaint you with the policies and procedures at HCC before your orientation day. We strongly suggest that you bookmark this page so you can use it as a resource.

You may still have questions after reading this handbook, and that’s ok! Bring any questions you have to your orientation day so they can be answered by one of our HCC experts.

Start your journey with us by reviewing the Hagerstown Community College Student Orientation Handbook today.

Online New Student Orientation

To access the online orientation, you will need to self-enroll for the course in D2L. Your D2L account should be created once you have registered for classes and it is within 90 days of the semester start. If those criteria are met, you should then be able to login to D2L and follow the instructions below.

To self-enroll in the New Student Orientation course:

  1. From the navbar of the D2L homepage, click Discover.
  2. From the Discover homepage, select the course you want to enroll in – New Student Orientation.
  3. From the course details page, click Enroll in Course.

After you've completed the steps above, you may complete the Online Orientation. The online orientation will take about an hour to complete, but you can take as much time as you need going through the content. At the end of the session, you will be asked to complete a survey.