Faculty & Staff
Faculty & Staff
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Gainor, Lisa
- WCPS Dual Enrollment Adjunct Instructor
- Email:lagainor@hagerstowncc.edu
Galanis, Alicen
- Head Coach Softball
- Email:amhoover16981@hagerstowncc.edu
Gallagher, Andrew
- WCPS Dual Enrollment Adjunct
- Email:aegallagher@hagerstowncc.edu
Garcia, Brenda
- Student Financial Aid Manager
- Phone:240-500-2639
- Email:begarcia@hagerstowncc.edu
Gardenhour, Janet
- Accounting Associate
- Phone:240-500-2282
- Email:jkgardenhour@hagerstowncc.edu
Gasparotti, Michele
- Orientation Specialist - Adult Literacy Services
- Email:mgasparotti@hagerstowncc.edu
Gaylor, Abigail
- Retention and Registration Assistant
- Email:algaylor@hagerstowncc.edu
Mr. Gehr, Mike
- HCC Foundation Board Member
- Phone:3019887290
Gentry, Jesse
- WCPS Dual Enrollment Adjunct Instructor
- Email:jgentry2783@hagerstowncc.edu
Geoffroy, Lynda
- Instructional Specialist / Adjunct, DEALS
- Phone:240-500-2210
- Email:lwgeoffroy@hagerstowncc.edu
Gerber, Eric
- Adjunct BSS/Business
- Email:ebgerber@hagerstowncc.edu
Gery, Laura
- Adjunct BSS/Business
- Email:ljgery@hagerstowncc.edu
Giannoumis, Karen
- Library Services Assistant
- Phone:240-500-2535
- Email:kagiannoumis@hagerstowncc.edu
Gibson, Amanda
- WCPS Dual Enrollment Adjunct
- Email:akgibson@hagerstowncc.edu
Gift, Edward
- Adjunct Faculty
- Email:elgift@hagerstowncc.edu
Gildersleeve, Elizabeth
- Instructor - Chemistry
- Phone:240-500-2368
- Email:esgildersleeve@hagerstowncc.edu
Gilles, Ann
- Custodial Worker
- Phone:240-500-2257
- Email:agilles@hagerstowncc.edu
Gloyd, Chastity
- Adjunct Faculty, Mathematics & Science Essence
- Email:cagloyd@hagerstowncc.edu
Godwin, Ella Mae
- Administrative Office Associate I Developmental Education & Adult Literacy Services
- Phone:240-500-2313
- Email:emgodwin@hagerstowncc.edu
Gotiangco, Harriet
- Adjunct DEALS
- Email:hhgotiangco@hagerstowncc.edu
Goveo, Alexis
- Upward Bound Advisor & Assessment Specialist
- Phone:240-500-2713
- Email:agoveo@hagerstowncc.edu
Grahl, Marti
- Director, Developmental Education & Adult Literacy Services
- Phone:240-500-2304
- Email:mlgrahl@hagerstowncc.edu
Gray, Kelly
- Continuing Education Adjunct
- Email:kagray2@hagerstowncc.edu
Green, Leah
- Adjunct, DEALS/Adult Ed
- Email:ltgreen@hagerstowncc.edu
Gress, Kathy
- Director of Education Services
- Email:kmgress@hagerstowncc.edu
Grimes, David
- Learning Support Specialist / Adjunct Faculty
- Phone:240-500-2426
- Email:dggrimes@hagerstowncc.edu
Grissom, Daryl
- WCPS Dual Enrollment Adjunct
- Email:degrissom@hagerstowncc.edu
Grove, Michael
- Adjunct Math and Science
- Email:mjgrove2@hagerstowncc.edu
Guffin, Kathryn
- Dental Hygiene, Adjunct
- Email:kaguffin@hagerstowncc.edu
Gustaf, Katie
- Radiography Program Lab Assistant
- Email:klhann@hagerstowncc.edu