Welding Technician Training Scholarships
Welding Technician Training Scholarships
Discover a career path as a welder in our program that builds your knowledge of the industry while developing the hands-on expertise to enter the world of commercial welding. Our experienced instructors take the program form entry-level topics, with an emphasis on safety, to skill activities using a variety of welding technologies in our professional equipped lab. Program courses are offered most semesters and include the topics below:
- Introduction to Welding
- Intermediate Welding (Choose between Stick, MIG, TIG)
- Welding Fabrication
- AWS Certification Prep
Applicants must complete the following:
- Complete the scholarship application
- Upload ALL required documentation
- Applicants MUST complete the WorkKeys Assessment prior to registering for courses
Details about the scholarship process:
- Documentation can be securely uploaded through the application link
- Scholarships take approximately two weeks for approval
- Scholarships may cover all or part of the program cost
Are you ready to start the scholarship application process?
Scholarships are made available through the following grant program:
Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund
The Maryland Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund initiative is to expand workforce development courses and continue professional education that leads to industry certification or licensure, particularly focused on individuals impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic through loss of employment.