Academic Advising and Registration | Hagerstown Community College
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Academic Advising and Registration

Collegium Sanctorum Anglorum Articulation Agreement

Collegium Sanctorum Anglorum Articulation Agreement (pdf 332 KB)

Southern New Hampshire University Articulation Agreements

HCC and SNHU Articulation Agreement Final Agreement (pdf 764 KB)

University of Maryland School of Nursing Articulation Agreement

Dual Admission Agreement (pdf 948 KB)

University of Baltimore Articulation Agreements

Dual Admission Agreement (pdf 388 KB)

Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics (PIA) Articulation Agreements

Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics (PIA) offers a 16 month Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT) program which prepares students to test for the FAA Airframe and Powerplant License. Students who complete the program of study through PIA and receive the corresponding industry-recognized technical license or certification, may be awarded up to 18 credits at HCC to be granted toward the Associate of Applied Science in Technical Studies. Official documentation is required for credit to be awarded. A.A.S. Applied Technology (pdf 198 KB)
A.A.S. Technical Studies Fact Sheet (pdf 391 KB)

How to Print a Class Schedule


Class Planning Sheet


Self-Service: How to Waitlist
