Community Scholarships | Hagerstown Community College
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Community Scholarships

Community Scholarships

Community Scholarships

Local, regional, and national organizations offer scholarships to students. Please visit each organization’s website to apply and for specific criteria and requirements. Remember: When researching scholarships, be careful with your information! For example, students should not have to provide credit card information to apply for a scholarship.

The College acknowledges the criteria and mandates issued by the Department of Education, Dear Colleague letter and any issuing regulations. Information on this page is provided as a resource to students to communicate scholarship opportunities which may be offered by outside or private entities. HCC is not affiliated directly with the organizations listed below and does not endorse the criteria outlined.

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Scholarships and information on important dates posted by the college’s Student Financial Aid Office

For information about benefits offered through the GI Bill® and the Veterans Administration (VA), visit the Veterans and Military page.

For information about continuing education (non-credit) scholarships and grants, visit the Workforce Solutions and Continuing Education page.

For educational support and job training services for residents of western Maryland, visit the Western Maryland Consortium website.

Community Foundation of Washington County Maryland, Inc.

The Community Foundation of Washington County MD, Inc. serves the needs of the local community. Numerous scholarship opportunities are available. For specific criteria and application information, please visit the Community Foundation website.

Maryland Space Grant Consortium

The Maryland Space Grant Consortium offers scholarships to students who are pursuing a career related to aerospace. Eligible programs include those related to Math, Science, Engineering, Technology, and Medical. For specific criteria and application information, please visit the MSGC website.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

Scholarships available for members and non-members. Eligibility criteria includes academic achievement, leadership, and college and community engagement. Scholarships available for students pursuing Associate's and Bachelor's degrees. For additional criteria and to apply, visit the Phi Theta Kappa website.

DE-DC-MD (Tri-State) Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators

In 1992, the Executive Board of the DE-DC-MD Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators established a scholarship for students attending an eligible institution in Delaware, the District of Columbia and Maryland. The Board makes a $1,000 award to a student from each area. Financial aid directors nominate students on a need and merit basis, and the Awards Committee reviews the application. The scholarship recipients are announced in the spring. For more information or to download nomination forms, visit

Breast Cancer Awareness - Cumberland Valley Scholarship Fund

The Breast Cancer Awareness - Cumberland Valley Scholarship Fund is a regional fund established by Breast Cancer Awareness - Cumberland Valley, Inc. (BCA - CV) to aid individuals living in Western Maryland, Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia and Franklin and Fulton Counties of Pennsylvania whose lives have been impacted by breast cancer through having yourself, parent, relative, or friend diagnosed with breast cancer or who have lost a parent, relative, or friend to breast cancer.

Scholarship Opportunities through Hospice of Washington County

Please see the organization’s website for all scholarship criteria, requirements, and to print an application. Requirements include a 3.0 GPA.

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship honors excellence by supporting outstanding community college students with financial need to transfer to and complete their bachelor’s degrees at the nation’s top four-year colleges and universities. For more information and specific requirements, visit the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation website.

Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation

The Barry Goldwater Foundation offers scholarships for undergraduate students in the last two years of their Bachelor's degree programs who demonstrate a strong commitment to pursue a career in research. Scholars are selected based on academic merit from the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science. For additional information and application requirements, please visit the Barry Goldwater Scholarship website.

University System of Maryland – Regents Scholarships

The Regents Scholars Program awards full and partial scholarships to students based on academic ability as well as motivation, character, and extracurricular accomplishments. Criteria includes a minimum GPA of 3.8 (4.0 is required for several scholarships), completing an Associate’s degree or a minimum of 56 credits, and transferring to an institution within the University System of Maryland. Demonstrating financial need by the FAFSA is a requirement for several of the scholarships as well.

Please contact the HCC Student Financial Aid Office at 240-500-2473 or for a scholarship application. If interested in receiving a college nomination, please send the HCC Student Financial Aid Office an updated resume, personal statement of academic and career goals, and examples of creative and scholarly activities by February 28. Preference is given to Maryland residents, and students who have demonstrated financial need based on the FAFSA.

Frederick Douglass Scholarship

The  Frederick Douglass Scholarship (FDS) is a prestigious University of Maryland (UMD) award for transfer students from a Maryland community college.  The scholarship has replaced the Transfer Academic Excellence Scholarship.   Eligibility criteria includes being a new transfer applicant to UMD for the fall or spring semester with no previous attendance at the university, Maryland residency at the time of the application, and a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher for all college work.  To apply and to get additional information about requirements, visit the University of Maryland site for more information.

Thurgood Marshall College Fund

This Fund offers scholarships to eligible students, please visit Thurgood Marshall College Fund webpage for more information.

Kid's Chance of Maryland

This scholarship is for students who have had a parent catastrophically injured or killed in an employment-related accident in Maryland.  Students must be between the ages of 16 and 25.  The parent's death or injury must have resulted in a substantial decline in the family income.  Scholarship applications are available from your local high school counselor or by visiting Kid's Chance of Maryland, Inc. website.

The Brave of Heart Scholarship

The Brave of Heart Scholarship is for a spouse, domestic partner, or child of a healthcare worker, volunteer, or support staff whose life was lost because of COVID-19. For additional scholarship criteria and to apply, visit The Brave of Heart Scholarship Fund page.

Udall Foundation Scholarship

The Udall Foundation offers scholarships to college sophomores and juniors based on leadership, public service, and commitment to issues related to Native American nations or to the environment. For specific scholarship information and criteria including a scholar orientation for recipients, visit the Udall Foundation website.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

This Fund offers scholarships to eligible students, please visit Hispanic Scholarship Fund website for more information.

Soroptimist International Scholarship

SI provides scholarships to eligible students, please visit Soroptimist website for more information.

Horatio Alger National Career & Technical Scholarship Program

Eligibility criteria includes pursuing a career and technical program, demonstrating financial need based on the FAFSA, overcoming adversity, under the age of 35, and be a citizen of the United States.

For additional criteria and to apply, visit the Horatio Alger Association website.

Jeannette Rankin Foundation

This Foundation offers scholarship opportunities to eligible students, please visit foundation website for more information.

Folds of Honor

Folds of Honor offers scholarships to dependents and/or spouses of fallen or disabled U.S. Service members and dependents and/or spouses of fallen or disabled first responders. For additional information, visit the Folds of Honor website.

The Foundation for Enhancing Communities

Scholarships for high school and current college students. Please check the website for specific criteria regarding each scholarship. Many awards are for students from Pennsylvania.

United Negro College Fund

This Fund offers scholarships to eligible students, please visit UNCF website for more information.

Eastern West Virginia Community Foundation

The Eastern West Virginia Community Foundation provides scholarships to students in the Eastern Panhandle. Students can be residents of Berkeley, Jefferson, Morgan, Hampshire, and Hardy counties. For specific scholarship information and criteria, visit the Community Foundation website.

Fulton County Medical Center Foundation

The Fulton County Medical Center Foundation provides scholarship opportunities to students from Fulton County and who are pursuing a career in health care. For specific scholarship information and criteria, visit the foundation website.