Facilities Work Order Request System | Hagerstown Community College
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Facilities Work Order Request System

Facilities Work Order Request System

Facilities Work Order Request System

The Facilities Management and Planning Department work order system is provided through Asset Essentials. This system enables the user to submit and monitor the progress of a maintenance request, grounds request, event set-up, or custodial request. For all urgent requests such as water leaks, electrical outages, or room lockouts, please contact the Facilities Office directly at 240-500-2339.

How to access the system:

Users will access the system at the following address: https://assetessentials.dudesolutions.com/hagerstowncc/Home/Index.

Your credentials will be the same as your HCC user id and password. This is a one time login.

After Logging In:

  1. Navigate to the dashboard and click "Create Work Order"
  2. The WO Status should be New Request
  3. In the Work Order Form, in as much detail as possible, describe your issue so the team is able to properly assess next steps. At the bottom of the form, you may attach any photos or other documents that can assist the team in fixing your issue.
  4. Once all of the information has been entered, click on the purple "SAVE" button and submit your work order.


If you need assistance accessing the system please contact the Facilities Office 240-500-2339.