Engineering Club | Hagerstown Community College
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Engineering Club

Engineering Club

Engineering Club

We want to provide support for those pursuing an engineering or engineering technology degree and help students further understand concepts taught in class through projects related to different engineering disciplines. We will contribute to the college community by offering activities that are consistent with academic, social, and moral integrity.

Club Objectives

  • Events and Fundraising – Students involved with the HCC Engineering Club (HCCEC) must be motivated to assist in fundraising efforts each year. Funds raised will be used to hold activities or complete the project. See also Discussion below.
  • Focus Project – Meetings will include work towards a technical project goal.
  • Discussion – During meetings, club members will discuss plans for activities and projects.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students will enhance their experience and understanding of engineering to build towards their engineering and technology careers.

Officers and Elections

  • The elected club officers shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and SGA Representative.
  • Nominations for officers will be made by the members of the HCCEC. The nominated student may choose to accept or decline the nomination. A student may also self-nominate themselves during the election process.
  • Elections will be held within the first three weeks in September at the beginning of each fall semester in order to allow incoming freshmen opportunities to vote and run for a leadership position.
  • Candidates who wish to run for an officer position must commit to being an active member of HCCEC for the full academic year (both fall and spring semesters).
  • Each elected candidate will assume their position on the day of the election.
  • If at any point during the year there are vacant offices, current officers shall appoint a member of the HCCEC student organization to fulfill that position. A majority vote of members is needed to approve the appointment.

Meeting Information

  • A majority vote of members in good standing who are present at meetings will be sufficient for adopting any proposed action or regulation.
  • The president of HCCEC may call a meeting of the members or officers at his/her discretion when such a meeting becomes necessary.
  • The SGA Club Representative is required to attend the monthly SGA meetings, which are held on the third Monday of each month at 3:00pm in the Student Center.
  • The proposed schedule is subject to change based on student semester schedules.
  • The Club will meet at least twice a month. The meeting location must be reserved by the club advisor or another member of the college staff.