ArTech Studios
ArTech Studios
Mission Statement
To foster an environment that inspires collaboration and the creation of art through any medium.
Club Objectives
Participate in art and design making activities as a group, such as creating a game. Support the HCC Student Art Shows. Participate in campus events as a club in support of art and design activities.
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will enhance and deepen their understanding of cross disciplinary art practices and community building activities in the arts. Students will also develop leadership and organizational planning skills while coordinating club activities and participation in campus-wide art and design activities.
Officers and Elections
The elected club officers shall be President, Game Development Vice President, Graphic Design Vice President, Visual Arts Vice President, Game Development Secretary, Graphic Design Secretary, Visual Arts Secretary, Treasurer and the SGA Representative. Both full-time and part-time students are eligible to run for office. Elected officers shall perform their duties as prescribed in the by-laws of this constitution. Nominations for officers will be made by the members of the ArTech Studio. The nominated student may choose to accept or decline the nomination. A student may also self-nominate themselves during the election process.
Elections will be held at the beginning of each fall semester in order to allow incoming freshmen opportunities to vote and run for a leadership position. Elections shall be held within the first three weeks in September. Candidates who wish to run for an officer position must commit to the fall semester. If they are unable to fulfill their role in the spring semester or current semester, they may opt to find a suitable replacement with the approval of the remaining members.
Each elected candidate will assume their position on the day of the election. If at any point during the year there are vacant offices, current officers shall appoint a member of the ArTech Studio to fulfill that position. A majority vote of club members is needed to approve the appointment.
Meeting Information:
The ArTech Studio shall meet as a general assembly at least once a month, and the club officers and the SGA representative will meet at least twice a month. A majority vote of members (in good standing) who are present at a monthly ArTech Studio meeting will be sufficient for adopting any proposed action or regulation. The President of the ArTech Studio may call a meeting of the members or officers at his/her discretion when such a meeting becomes necessary. Committee meetings shall be held at a different time than the monthly ArTech Studio meeting unless the President decides to schedule discussion time for committee topics in the monthly ArTech.
Studio meeting agenda
The SGA Representative is required to attend the monthly SGA meetings, which are held on the third Thursday of each month at 3:00pm in the College Center.