ITB HCC20-005 Misc Office and Printing Paper
ITB HCC20-005 Misc Office and Printing Paper
Attached you will find the bid specifications, required bid forms, and campus map detailing requirements for bidding on ITB HCC20-005 for miscellaneous office and printing paper. Word and Excel Documents have been provided to assist in the completion of required forms. Signature areas on the original copy must be hand signed -- no digital signatures or typed names permitted.
Vendors will be responsible for checking back frequently to this URL for any updates in the form of an Addendum(s). Bids submitted that do not confirm Addendum(s) may be considered non-responsive.
Please email questions or concerns to The deadline for receipt of all questions is prior to May 26, 2020 at 1:00 PM.
Bids must be received on or before June 16, 2020 at 1:00 PM. See bid document for full delivery details. Late submittals will not be accepted.
- ITB for HCC20-005 Misc Office Paper (pdf 292 KB)
- Attachment 1_HCC20-005 (pdf 129 KB)
- HCC Campus Map (pdf 140 KB)
- Forms in WORD format for HCC20-005 (doc 57 KB)
- Attachment 1_HCC20-005 (xls 39 KB)