Online Education
Online Education
Due to busy schedules, students may find it inconvenient to attend all of their classes on campus. As a result, HCC classes are offered in multiple formats, to include 100% online courses, as well as hybrid or blended learning. Through a process of continuous improvement, we ensure that courses delivered in the virtual environment are at the same standard as courses offered in our face-to-face classrooms.

100% Online Programs:
The following programs can currently be taken in 100% online format here at HCC.
Associate’s Degrees
- Arts and Sciences, A.A.
- Arts and Sciences, A.S.
- Business Administration, A.S.
- Commercial Transportation Administration A.A.S.
- Education, A.S.
- General Studies, A.A.
- Human Services Concentration, Arts and Sciences, A.S.
- Management, A.A.S.
- Psychology Concentration, Arts and Sciences, A.A.
- Sociology Concentration, Arts and Sciences, A.A.
- Commercial Transportation Management, Certificate (Track 2)
- Management, Certificate
- Management: Marketing, Certificate
Disclaimer: matriculation guidelines may vary by program, students are encouraged to contact their division for a complete list of requirements (e.g. field experience, clinical hours, apprenticeships) prior to enrolling in any online program.

Hagerstown Community College has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.
This agreement authorizes the college to offer online education to students residing in all states covered by their membership. A copy of the NC-SARA policy manual can be found on the following webpage: https://nc-sara.org/resources/guides.
Out-of-state students who wish to file a grievance about violations of NC-SARA policies, may do so using the following complaint form.
For access to additional resources, provided through HCC’s NC-SARA membership, please visit their website.

Quality Matters
As a member of the Maryland Online consortium, HCC has adopted best practices from the Quality Matters (QM) organization. The QM program is internationally-recognized, and designed for quality assurance in online and hybrid courses and programs. HCC utilizes QM resources, and their peer-review process to ensure excellence in our course design.
Please visit the following page to learn more about QM practices and review a list of our certified courses:
Distance Learning
The Distance Learning department oversees the college’s online and blended learning courses, administrates the central Learning Management System, and other e-learning software. Distance Learning provides training and support to all faculty, and responds to technical issues for students. Learning Technology, the Fletcher Faculty Development Center, and the Academic Testing Center are also members of this overarching department.
Learning Management System
D2L is the learning management system (LMS)/e-learning software utilized by HCC for online and hybrid classes and as a web-enhancement tool for some face-to-face courses. Accounts are only created for users who are registered for at least one course using the LMS, and students will only be able to access course sites which have been activated by the instructor. Access D2L and learn more at D2L Learning Management System.
Learning Technology
The Learning Technology (LT) unit manages technology, and equipment within our physical classroom spaces across the campus, and at any remote locations. The LT staff regularly provide audio visual support during HCC-sponsored events, such as the annual Graduation Ceremonies, Tribute Dinner, and Flower & Garden Show. This unit responds to direct requests from instructors, students; in addition to internal and outside groups using HCC classrooms & conference spaces. LT also handles installation or maintenance of all classroom technology. Learn more at the Learning Technology page.
Fletcher Faculty Development Center
As a learning-centered institution, HCC is committed to quality instruction in all courses. The Fletcher Faculty Development Center at Hagerstown Community College provides a facility, staff support, and professional development to help the college’s faculty members maintain and improve excellence in teaching. The Fletcher Center is located in the Behavioral Sciences and Humanities Building, room 106 (BSH-106). Learn more at www.hagerstowncc.edu/faculty-staff/fletcher-center.
Academic Testing Center
The Academic Testing Center is dedicated to enhancing student learning by providing comprehensive, accessible testing services. The Academic Testing Center strives to fulfill the needs of students and the community by subscribing to the professional standards and guidelines established by the National College Testing Association. Providing a safe, secure, and efficient testing environment, the Academic Testing Center serves a number of disciplines in the educational and professional arenas. Learn more at the Academic Testing Center.